Group Cycling Classes at York
to Jun 30

Group Cycling Classes at York

I will be leading and teaching cycling classes at Tait McKenzie Fitness Centre again this Summer semester. To sign up for these classes visit the front desk of Tait McKenzie or click here for more details. For an intense, high-energy workout come and join me on Thursdays 12:10-1pm.

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to Jun 30

High Intesnsity Interval Training (HIIT) Classes

  • Tait McKenzie Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

I will also be running FREE drop in High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) classes at Tait McKenzie Fitness Complex (Upper Gym). Classes are free to York students, faculty, and community members who have registered their fitness membership at Tait Mackenzie. The classes I'm running will take place on Mondays 12:15-1:15pm and Tuesdays from 4:30-5:30pm. A total-body workout that will challenge you and increase your endurance e and strength. HIIT workouts are a great supplement to any training routine and promote calorie burning throughout the rest of the day after your workout. Check out my article on HIIT training that is in the Blog section for an understanding of why these workouts are so beneficial and how they will be working for you even after it's done.


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